================ Link to web page jQuery ================


my name

description paragraph

paragraph of text

$('#product'); // ID document.getElementbyId(); $('p'); // Tag document.getElementsByTagname(); $('.productname'); // Class document.getElementsByClassName(); $('#linkbox a[href^="http"]'); // Attribute $('#linkbox').find('a[href^="http"]'); $('h3:first-child'); // pseudo :nth-child(1) $('#leftnav').find('h3:first-child'); ================ $("#product").addClass("available"); $("#product").css("backgroundColor", "#fff"); $("#product").width(300); var currentProduct = $("#product"); currentProduct.addClass("available"); currentProduct.css("backgroundColor", "#fff"); currentProduct.width(300); var currentProduct = $("#product"); currentProduct.addClass("available").css("backgroundColor", "#fff").width(300); ================ var productItems = data.products, itemStr = ''; $.each(productItems, function(index,item) { itemStr += '
  • '+item+'
  • '; }); $('#sidebar').find('ul').append(itemStr); ================ Use jQuery script tags at the bottom of the page Use a CDN and add redundancy Use .ready() method for your code Use selectors that map to native browser methods Use chaining Cache your selectors for use multiple times Try to keep selectors and DOM manipulation out of loops or .each() methods ================